Saturday, January 3, 2009

New Address

In the last few days, I have left my life and taken up residence on my sofa. It amazes me that the more time I have to be productive, the less productive I end up being. When working 40 hours a week and driving back and forth to Richmond, I manage to keep my house neat, my bed made, read books, and spend time with family and friends. When I have a four-and-a-half day weekend, I barely manage to change out of my pajamas into my sweatpants. Although I have done a few things during my break (re-arrange my living room, put together my new bookshelf, go to Bible class), I still have one bookshelf to go, dirty dishes from my pancakes this morning, and my Christmas decorations still up. I have not been as produtive as I planned, but I have slept as late as I wanted (8:15) and enjoyed my time with my couch, my fleece blanket, and the remote. I guess everyone deserves a break every once in a while. I'll get things together....starting Monday. :)

1 comment:

  1. You must be a procrastinator. Do you find that you need a schedule and deadlines to be productive?

