What is so special about this ordinary Cool Whip container, you might ask? Believe me, I don't know either. To me, this is simply the Cool Whip container. Some people throw them away after the bowl is empty. Others may wash the bowl and use it as a storage container. Either way, this is just a Cool Whip container and nothing more.
To my mother, however, this bowl might as well be her fine china. Losing said Cool Whip container would apparently be devastating. My example - Mama "feeds and waters" her outside cat, Kitty, using two separate Cool Whip containers. The water "bowl" is at the back steps, the food "bowl" is on the front porch (apparently to give the cat - the outdoor on the farm cat - some exercise). Our family dog, Jasmine roams around the farm, but generally stays at the frame shop. However, she always makes the trip over when she sees my car in the driveway (!). One evening as we sat watching television, Jasmine ran through the front yard with the water bowl. She then sees the food "bowl", drops the water "bowl" and runs off with the food "bowl" instead. I just thought it was funny. Mama thought this was a tragedy and that I must immediately save the Cool Whip containers. So here I have to run after a dog for the Cool Whip container, pry it out of her mouth, and promise her a dog treat if she will give up the Cool Whip container. Seriously.
The attempt was successful and not just one, but BOTH, Cool Whip containers were saved in the process. Jasmine got her treats, Kitty still has her beloved food and water "bowls", and Mama didn't have find another Cool Whip container out of the 2.7 million under the kitchen counter.
I'd say it was a successful rescue mission.
HAHA aren't you funny and a SLIGHT exaggeration!