Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mama's Day

Everyone says that they have the best mother in the world, but I actually do. Times have not always been easy for our family. We have experienced deaths from car accidents and cancer. We have had marriages fall apart. We have definitely had our ups and downs. Our one constant has been my mama. She held things together so things never seemed as bad as they really were. In seven years of band, softball and volleyball, I only remember her missing one or two events - and she had a full-time job. She drove hours to sit through hot softball games or freezing band competitions. She was always our biggest cheerleader. In high school, she wasn't always our "friend", but she was always our mom, trying to make the best decisions for my sisters and me. (p.s. Mama - I see that now!)

I spend almost every Sunday and Monday night at Mama's house. We have breakfast for dinner on Sunday nights and watch Dancing With the Stars on Monday. Sometimes we play Scrabble, sometimes we just sit around and talk and look at magazines. It's nice to have a mother as a best friend.

Thank you, Mama, for the example you have set for your 3 Ls. There is no mother like you.

"Thank you, thank you, thank God for you, the wind beneath my wings."

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