Sunday, June 14, 2009

Adventures in Jam Making

Last week, Leslie and I decided we wanted to make homemade strawberry jam. We got some strawberries from the strawberry patch, glanced at the Sure-Jell box, and decided to give it a go. We definitely learned a few things in the process: 1) Always read directions BEFORE beginning. We had to make two special trips - one to Mama's for the cooker, and one to the store for more sugar. 2) You really need to have the air conditioner on when making jam. It gets SUPER hot.
3) You need plenty of oven mitts and hand towels handy. Oops and oops.

It was a lot of work, but I'm sure it will be worth it. If nothing else, it was fun spending the evening with L3! :)

Friday, June 5, 2009

May Highlights

A few highlights from May:

* Cookout with the Thomason/Barton families at Leslie and Chris's house

* Mini shopping adventure with Mama and Leslie one Wednesday afternoon

* WOLVERINE - it did not disappoint!

* Doing the hand jive, singing Gangsta's Paradise, screaming to Steelheart's "I'll Never Let You Go", almost running out of gas, and just having a great day with Lauren

* Being able to witness Katie's baptism on May 9th

* Mother's Day with the best Mama in the world!

* Celebrating Mama's 49th birthday with our family and Leslie's homemade carrot cake!

* Random lunch at Sonic with some of my Richmond friends

* Dinner at Mexican for Lauren's early birthday

* Camp Weekend

* Memorial Day off!

* Meeting Kayla Pursell and seeing the rest of the family

* Making new friends

* Watching Micah Love play baseball

May was a FABULOUS month!! :)

Living Life

I haven't blogged lately because I've just been enjoying LIFE! Yay for a good month!