Sunday, March 22, 2009

Some things I don't love so much...

So, in my "I Love Lucy" post, I told you about some of the things that I LOVE. Here are some things that I don't:

* People who talk on their phones or bring crying babies to the movie theater. It is so annoying! You pay almost $10 to see a movie, then can't hear half of it!

* A disappointing ending to a book. I hate reading a whole book, then wishing that I hadn't!

* Getting stuck in traffic on my way to work. If I'm on my way home, it doesn't bother me so much.

* Buying something, then seeing it on sale a month later (like a MAJOR sale). This happened at Home Depot the other day - I was looking around the clearance section and found a ceiling fan that I had bought at full price not too long ago (two of them, actually). Ugh!

* Walking into a room to get something then forgetting what I went in there to get. I'm not old enough for THAT yet!

* Paying for things like toilet paper, soap, and deodorant. I mean, shouldn't those necessities be FREE??

* This crazy back and forth weather. I'm just ready for some Springtime!

* The fact that all of the good food (Mexican, chocolate, ice cream) makes you fat. That is just so wrong...

* When you think you know a person...then find out you really don't.

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